I spent three years studying Physical Theatre at university, and I'm still not entirely sure what it means - or indeed what I mean when I say I "do Physical Theatre". The point I'm trying to make is that I'm still on a real journey of learning and slef-discovery when it comes to movement.
Despite separating my website into "Acting" and "Movement" tabs; I feel strongly that they both enrich each other. It's one of the few things that I know for sure actually! I know all good acting is physical, and I know all good movement is rich in intention. I respect the somatic and expressive; and value them as a force that lifts us from prose into poetry on stage, and of course in life. To artistically express the things that are not best served by words.
I've found that by embracing movement, my work has a greater potential to move people. When you transmute meaning into somatic expression - it becomes universal, it goes from situational to symbolic. I think the work becomes accessible to a whole range of human experience when you do that; and that's something I've always been interested in. To tell stories which transcend identity and speak to our shared humanity.